Friday 27 March 2015

Why healthy and conscious eating is so important to us...

Ever since my mother passed away of cancer, I have started looking at life a little differently. Up to that point, I had never lost someone who hadn't died of old age, after living a long, happy and healthy life. My mother was taken away way too early, very sudden, in a cruel way and at a time I know she would've enjoyed so much. Just in time for her grandchildren to arrive one after another. Now, I know where my mother's cancer came from. She smoked a LOT. She'd been trying to quit and knew it was bad for her but simply couldn't break the habit. Let's face it, everyone knows how bad smoking is for your health, but until you're actually facing the consequences of your addiction, you're thinking you'll be the one that gets away with it and live to be a hundred. My mother wasn't so fortunate. But the smoking might not have been the only thing causing her to get so sick. Just after she died, we happened to stumble upon a documentary called 'Forks over knifes', which pretty much changed my outlook on all things food. Yes, I knew that some foods were healthier than others and that junk food was bad for you, blah blah blah; However, I had no idea how bad red meat in particular was for you, until I heard about a thing called the China study.

I don't want to go into it too much, so let's just keep it simple and say that it was a 20-year study, conducted by the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, Cornell University and the University of Oxford and basically concluded that the counties of China with a high consumption of animal-based foods were more likely to have had higher death rates from "Western" diseases (including cancer), while the opposite was true for counties that ate more plant foods. They were showing a lot of shocking statistics from this and other studies which basically all said the same thing. Eat less animal products and more plant-based foods and live longer.  

I grew up in Germany and can honestly say that meat is a huge part of our diet. Thinking back now, 90% of what I ate on a daily basis was meat and not the good, local kind either. Now, Adrian and I are planning on being around for our children for a very long time, so we made the decision to change our eating habits and live a healthier and hopefully longer life. In early 2013 we turned vegan. We basically went from one extreme to the other. Needless to say, it didn't last long. Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy being vegan for a while. I felt better, less tired and I'd never looked better. I also really enjoyed learning to cook different things and discovering new foods. Before we went vegan, I'd never even heard about quinoa, something I really enjoy eating now. But I just can't imagine living the rest of my life not eating any animal products whatsoever. I really have to give my utmost respect to all the long-time Vegans out there, because it is harder than I thought it would be, and you really need to be disciplined and a hundred percent convinced that this is how you want to eat for the rest of your life. Vegan-ism is a state of mind and I simply couldn't do it. I lasted for about six months before I got pregnant again and craved meat. It didn't help that meat seemed to be the only thing that helped against my horrible morning sickness and was the only thing I could keep down. Probably because meat was what the German half of my brain was used to ;-)

Adrian lasted a lot longer than me and is still a vegetarian today. I don't buy meat at the supermarket anymore and don't cook meat at our house, but will occasionally cave and eat it at a restaurant, or if we're having dinner at a friend's house. It's not that we think all meat is bad for you, but we basically believe that the meat you buy at the supermarket is the worst kind you could possibly spend your hard-earned money on, and we believe that if you can't bring yourself to kill your food yourself, you probably shouldn't be eating it. So yes, we will probably start eating meat at our house again, but only if Adrian has hunted it himself. He's just obtained his gun license and will probably go out with a few guys this season. It's not easy to kill an animal and I think he'll have a hard time with it, but the way the animals that we buy and eat from the store have lived and died is a LOT worse and the meat a LOT less healthy. When it comes to food, we need to get back to that simpler life, where people still hunted, planted their own and kept livestock. It’s shocking how uneducated today's generation is when it comes to food. I watched a show where Jamie Oliver goes from School to School to educate kids about food and was stunned when he held up a potato and a tomato, and not a single child in that class was able to tell him what it was. But they all knew about fries and Ketchup.

I don't want my children to grow up this disconnected. My son Noah is the pickiest child in the world, and every day I struggle to get something into him that's good for him. So last year, we purchased a bunch of chickens and planted our first organic vegetable garden. I don't think I'll have to go into why growing your own veggies is better than store-bought produce. Pretty sure we have all heard about Monsanto and pesticides by now. Anyhow, we involved our son during the whole process. He helped us prepare the raised bed. He planted a couple of seeds. He watered the garden and when it was time to harvest, he simply couldn't believe that there was actually a carrot attached to the greenery above ground. He ate a few carrots right out of the garden, some beans, snap peas and black raspberries and even though he's still not the greatest eater today, he will eventually try new things, he'll enjoy the planting and growing of our food and he WILL know what a potato is. I even try to involve him when I prepare and cook food whenever possible. Our children are still a little too young to do much in the kitchen but, he enjoys watching us cook and always pulls up a chair so he can stand on it and watch the happenings. We believe we need to raise the next generation differently. We'd like to go back to that simpler life, show our kids how to live off the land and save money doing it and reconnect with nature. Hopefully they'll thank us for it one day and will live happy, healthy and very long lives.  

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  1. Does your whole family, children included, eat all vegetarian at home? I could never do that. And I don't mean that in any condescending way, I'm impressed! My son would probably die of malnutrition if I tried that simply because I have no idea how to cook vegetarian more than a few times a year.. I hate cooking and see it as an necessary evil chore that comes everyday to torture me. I do cook almost everything from scratch anyway and try to buy ecological, but far from everything I buy is. And growing vegetables myself: well, plants have a tendency to go brown and die as soon as a look at them.. Only just moved and got our own garden though so might give it a try anyway! Would love if you could share som recepies though to give me the extra nudge towards a more healthier vegetarian cooking and eating!

    1. Yes, we are all eating vegetarian (well, like I said we're doing our best). I don't buy or cook meat at home, but if we're eating out or the kids are eating at a birthday party and they're serving meat, I won't tell them not to eat it if they want it. We're doing the best we can to eat as healthy as possible without beating ourselves up over the occasional slip. Fortunately, both my children don't seem to be too crazy about meat. My daughter loves beans and tofu, which is (for the most part) what I use to substitute. As for the garden, I totally get it. I do not have the green thumb either and have killed off a lot of my indoor plants over the years. Last year was our first attempt at growing our own food outdoors and it was surprisingly easy, despite having had a very wet season. Give it a try. You won't regret it. I would love to share some recipes with you. If you want to send me a private email I can reply to, I'll send my favourites your way. You can find my email address in the 'Contact me' section of this blog. Thank you so much for your interest and thoughts on this topic. Nice to see that somebody is reading what I've got to say ☺️
