Contact Me

I'd love to hear from anybody, so don't be shy. Ask, suggest, and comment as much as you want to. I'll try to get back to everybody as fast as I can, but please be patient with me and remember that I am a very busy mother of two young children, and it might take me a little bit longer to answer. Silly questions do not exist in my world and like I've said before, I'm interested in everyone's views and opinions. Even if you're not agreeing with me on a matter, as long as you're not being rude or downright nasty. I do like a heated discussion every now and then and do think everyone has the right to state their opinion. But I will take the liberty of ignoring any rude or disrespectful comments or emails. I'll be looking forward to hearing from you guys. You can contact me at or by commenting directly on this site.


  1. Puh! Google translate erleichtert das Übersetzen ungemein! :-))

    Sehr plastisch beschriebene Reisen und Geschehnisse!

  2. Dear Nina,
    Congratulations on your upcoming wedding. Are you sure you've dated him long enough though? :-)
    I enjoy your blogs very much. I'm sure your wedding will be spectacular. I can't wait to read about it.

  3. Dear Nina,
    Congratulations on your upcoming wedding. Are you sure you've dated him long enough though? :-)
    I enjoy your blogs very much. I'm sure your wedding will be spectacular. I can't wait to read about it.
