Sunday 14 December 2014

Follow the sun...

Our Roadtrip is fast approaching, since we have decided to leave a day early and start our drive on Thursday morning, and we're slowly but surely working our way through our to-do list.

Rocky is ready to go and all taken care off but then he really doesn't need a whole lot. Dog bed, food & treats, leash, vaccination records, maybe a bone or chew toy for the long drive and a bit of loving and he'll be a happy camper. Him and Adrian had a bit of a grooming session going on a few days ago and he got a bit of a haircut. Poor guy wasn't too happy about it. He's been trying to grow dreads for several months now but we keep cutting them off. Not that I'm opposed to the look itself, I quite like it in fact, but Rocky is not really into personal hygiene too much and loves to get dirty every chance he gets. You wouldn't believe the things that get stuck in his skirt. He starts smelling and drags all kinds of dirt into the house so dreads are simply not an option. And since he's got the thickest fur ever, we have decided to cut the long hair off completely and torment him with the FURminator before taking him to warmer climates. I know you hated every minute of it, Rocky but you'll thank us later and you look so much cuter now with your little, puffy behind. If anyone's got a dog that is shedding a lot and is wondering what in the name of God a FURminator is, I'd like to tell you that this little magic brush is worth every penny. You can get it at almost any pet store and it takes out the undercoat. When we take the time to actually give Rocky an intense brushing, we'll fill a whole garbage bag with fur. It's amazing what this brush will take out. It's a bit pricey but you'll notice a big difference around the house for a couple of weeks after you brushed your dog. Anyways, I'm getting way off topic so back to the trip.

Here are a few items we've bought to keep Noah occupied. Hopefully that will get us through a few days in the car without too much whining.

And here's our travel itinerary:

I did include a picture of our travel route in my last post but we have decided to take the I-75 rather than the I-77 because Adrian's parents -who have done the trip via both routes a bunch of times- have recommended doing so. So here's the new map:

Night No. 1)  Toledo, Ohio

Night No. 2)  Chattanooga, Tennessee

Night No. 3)  Valdosta, Georgia

So, here goes. Next time you here from us we'll be in Florida with the first part of our Roadtrip already behind us and hopefully you'll be reading about us having a blast in the sun. I'll be taking a lot of pictures and will keep a travel journal to keep you guys in the loop. Wish us luck!

If you want to view pics of our trip right away, follow us on Instagram at

and don't forget to subscribe so you won't miss a post.

PS: I have decided to include a section in each post called 'Totally random' just for the fun of it. So from now on you'll be reading a little something in each of my posts that is totally off topic. Why? Well, no reason needed!

'Totally random'

There was a game on Facebook the other day that I really thought some of you might get a kick out off. Enter your first name followed by the word meme into Google images and see what comes up. Some of them really are hilarious and in my case so spot on, it's almost scary. I also wanted to share mine because it's been just over a month now since I launched my blog, and I think it's past time we get to know each other a little more intimately. I'll start by giving you this little piece of valuable information.

You're very welcome ;-)


  1. Nina you are hilarious as always! Love your posts and just wish you'd shared a pic of Rocky's cute fluffy butt, because, well, I like cute butts haha.

    1. Thx Danielle, I try my best to keep you entertained ;-) Keep reading, I might have a surprise for you in my next blog post...
